Our Product Offering

Our institutional offering encompasses a wide range of solutions designed to meet the sophisticated needs of investment professionals. We designed Prometheus Institutional to provide a comprehensive research suite covering all your macro needs, from in-depth discretionary research to a range of systematic investment strategies and bespoke consulting opportunities. If you are an institution and would like to avail of these services, please contact us via email at [email protected].

We offer two options within Prometheus Institutional:

  • Read-Only: All of our research publications, ex-bespoke consulting.
  • Full-Service: All of our research publications and direct and regular access to our research team.

We describe each of the components of Prometheus Institutional below, along with samples of each product.

The Observatory: The Observatory is how we at Prometheus understand the economy and financial markets in real time. We’re constantly assessing and evaluating the intersection of markets and macroeconomic data to understand what it means for investors. The Observatory reflects our assessments of changing macro conditions. The insights provided here are integrated algorithmically into our systems to create rules-based portfolios. A typical week sees between two and four notes from the Observatory, depending on macro conditions. We share a sample below:

The Observatory

Month In Macro: This is our flagship in-depth monthly research report. The content is the most rigorous evaluation of macroeconomic conditions and their implications for major asset classes. The flagship report will inform the foundation and share our research team’s internally consistent process in evaluating the current state of the economy as it pertains to markets. This publication also offers our mechanical understanding of the most important macroeconomic dynamics at play at any given time. This reading is essential to help share our frameworks for thinking through macroeconomic dynamics at a particular time. Our Month In Macro typically spans 30-50 pages and is released around the 7th of every month. We share a sample below:

Month In Macro

Macro Monitor: Every month, our research process involves screening thousands of data series to understand macro conditions. To help our clients stay abreast of all these economic changes, we share our Macro Monitor, i.e., 100-150 slides on economic and macro data, providing a comprehensive understanding of macroeconomic trends. This data deck allows clients to consistently track the moving parts of the economy they are focused on. Macro Monitor is sent out on the first business day of every month. We share a sample below:

Macro Monitor

Prometheus ETF Portfolio: The Prometheus ETF portfolio aims to allow everyday investors to access an investment solution that combines active macro alpha, passive beta, and strict risk control, all in an easy-to-follow, low-turnover solution. We aim to achieve strong risk-adjusted returns relative to volatility, costs, vehicle longevity, liquidity, expense, and duration. We do this in a highly accessible package, which rotates between highly liquid ETFs, readily available to any investor with a brokerage account. ETF Portfolio allocations and analysis are sent every Friday by 3:30 PM ET. The Prometheus ETF Portfolio can also be subscribed to as a stand-alone product, as part of Retail Offering. We share the ETF Portfolio Primer below:

Prometheus ETF Portfolio

Additionally, you can a view a sample report below:

Weekly Prometheus ETF Portfolio Report

Prometheus Asset Allocation: The Prometheus Asset Allocation program offers a stable, macro-focused approach to asset management. Prometheus Asset Allocation aims to outperform a traditional stock and bond portfolio by leveraging our proprietary systematic macro process to rotate between 3 ETFs monthly (plus cash). This long-only strategy seeks exposure to a mix of stocks, bonds, and commodities over time- while avoiding major macro-induced drawdown periods in each asset class, targeting a 10% volatility. Asset Allocation updates are sent out on the first business day of every month in the form of a video. We share a sample below:

Prometheus Asset Allocation

Prometheus Alpha Strategies: Prometheus Alpha Strategies combines the best components of our understanding of macro and markets into a single investment strategy that trades stocks, bonds, and commodities. The objective of this portfolio is to provide durable macro alpha in a manner that is independent of the underlying beta. These strategies turnover daily and are currently only available to select institutional clients we work with closely. We share our Primer below:

Prometheus Alpha Strategies

Additionally, you can a view a sample report below:

Daily Alpha Strategies Report

Bespoke Consulting: In addition to our range of written research and quantitative signalling, we offer direct access to our research team on an ongoing basis. Further, we offer monthly 60-minute meetings with our Founder, Aahan. Conversations with clients are detailed and deep in the spirit of collaborating to navigate macroeconomic conditions.

Prometheus Institutional aims to provide the most in-depth and actionable macro research suite in the industry. If you are an institution and would like to avail of these services, please contact us via email at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.


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