Episode 8: Adam Butler

After a short break, we’re back with Episode 8 of the Prometheus Podcast! This recording is one of many podcasts to come, which will cover far-ranging topics in macro, markets, and investing. As always, our objective is to bring you thoughtful and actionable insights, and our conversations will always aim to be so.

As always— we have another exciting guest for you, Adam Butler. Adam is the CIO of ReSolve Asset Management Global and has 15 years of experience in investment management, including 12 years as a Portfolio Manager, and holds both CFA and CAIA charters. Resolve is on the cutting edge of systematic cross-asset macro investing, and this episode is truly a masterclass in all things portfolio structuring and systematic investing. Adam brought a wide and deep expertise to this conversation, with a level of sophistication that you’d be hard-pressed to find across the industry. Every investor will likely have something to learn from this wide-ranging conversation on investing. Aahan and Adam discussed the following:

  • Systematic Investing

  • The Beta-Alpha Continuum

  • Beta And Its Drivers & Harvesting Commodities As An Essential In A Balanced Portfolio

  • The Importance Of Diversity

  • Alternative Risk Premia & Their Role In Augmenting Beta

  • The Importance Of Ensembles: Rubustness & Diversity

  • Alpha Construction & Non-Linearity

  • The Current Outlook: A Resilient Economy With Higher Inflation

If you’re interested in creating systematic investing or just looking for structure in terms of how to think about markets, look no further!

Make sure to check out Adam Butler on Twitter @GestaltU and check our Resolve Asset Management for more information on their research and their funds.


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